Low Cost

Developers are able to access Timpi's index at a fraction of the cost compared to other data providers. This cost efficiency allows developers to integrate comprehensive and reliable data into their applications without incurring the high expenses typically associated with other data services

API Access

Developers can access Timpi's index directly through the API, utilizing our extensive library of API calls and hooks for seamless integration. This allows for efficient and customizable data retrieval, enabling developers to tailor their applications to specific needs with ease.


Timpi's index is versatile, serving a wide range of industries from AI development to real estate applications. Developers can leverage the extensive data for training AI models, while real estate businesses can access up-to-date property information and market trends for better decision-making.

Sentiment Analysis

Understand the public‘s feelings towards brands. Our unparalleled dataset will enable you to fully grasp and analyze public online perception. We provide sentiment data for all indexed websites, allowing you to evaluate, benchmark and plan your outreach activities.

Cyber Security Ratings

Our team of seasoned cybersecurity veterans has created a synthetic rating, evaluating how susceptible a website is to hacker attacks. Whether looking for opportunities to safeguard your network or market cybersecurity software, the Timpi cybersecurity index is the way to go.

Data Analysis

Explore the most accessible set of internet data, perfect to train LLMs or creating other data use-cases. Our index contains a wide range of data allowing for an unprecedented range of use-cases.