Building the decentralized data eco-system

Timpi, a technology pioneer set to disrupt the status quo through Decentralization, Web3 and AI. 

Our mission is to democratize the world’s information ensuring a fair and open digital future for all.

Stage 1


Core Products & Services

Timpi was founded in 2021. Laying the foundation, Timpi began it’s journey to give the world alternative to Big Tech’s surveillance monopoly. Committed in giving people back the access to unbiased, uncensored and unmanipulated data. 

Stage 2


Solidify the foundations and build token value

Expanding upon the core foundations established in phase 1, our focus now shifts towards strategically building value into the token, and ensuring the products are ready for mass market.

Stage 3


Drive into mass market

In stage 3, our primary objective is to transition the product into the mass market, leveraging comprehensive marketing strategies and distribution channels to maximize reach and adoption

Stage 4


Push the boundaries of data access

As part of our expansion strategy, we aim to democratize access to trustworthy data for everyone, ensuring transparency and reliability in information dissemination

Stage 5


Global and complete data freedom

Our mission is to grant the world complete data freedom, empowering individuals and organizations with unrestricted access to information while upholding privacy and security standards

Phase 1
Core Products & Services

Timpi was founded in 2021. Laying the foundation, Timpi began it’s journey to give the world alternative to Big Tech’s surveillance monopoly. Committed in giving people back the access to unbiased, uncensored and unmanipulated data.

Search Index

During the first phase, we introduced three of the four node types that make the decentralized search index.


  • Decentralized “workers” crawling the web collecting information about websites and their pages. This system remains invisible and detached from the front-end search service, safeguarding the security of our Collectors. 


  • Distributed storage nodes for archiving the web. Guardians disseminate the data onto multiple community-run nodes. 


  • Strategically located across the globe, GeoCore Hubs offer swift and precise search requests.

Built upon Gossip Protocol principles the TAP network addresses challenges like latency, availability, and integrity inherent to high performing decentralized networks.

Monitor and evaluate resources

  • Design gives each member a panoramic view of the entire network, enabling autonomous decisions to pinpoint and use the fastest route to the adjacent GeoCore.
  • Every communication is shielded by military-grade encryption and signature algorithms.
  • Even if up to 75% of all regional nodes fail, TAP’s architecture ensures minimal service impact.

Autonomous Network Growth

  • When the TAP network determines a need for additional resources, it autonomously adds additional node resources and grow the network by Minting & Listing NFTs for the requisite nodes. Once NFTs are purchased, the wallet holding the NFT is used to grant access to new nodes who are then compensated for adding node resources to the network.
Search Engine & Ecosystem

Web search

Our first product to launch will be the world’s 1st decentralized search engine which taps into a full web index which has not been biased, censored, or manipulated to aling with corporate objectives.

We launched our generative AI called Wilson. Specialized LLM integrated to our index, providing near instantly updated information for our users.

Landing Pages

  • Personal and fully customizable dashboard, with Search and Wilson integrated.


Timpi Widgets

  • Widgets can be installed and showcased on the personal or public dashboard to be a one-stop location to access unbiased & uncensored internet.


Neutaro Blockchain

Timpi launched the mainnet of its Layer-1 blockchain called Neutaro, with its token $NTMPI

Intergrated with the following wallets:
Keplr – Neutaro Coin (Cosmos Native Token)
OWallet – Neutaro Coin (Cosmos Native Token)
Metamask – Neutaro Coin (Cosmos Native Token – Through Metamask Snap)
Metamask – Wrapped Neutaro (Ethereum Wrapped Token)

Phase 2

Expanding upon the core foundations established in phase 1, our focus now shifts towards strategically building value into the token, and ensuring the products are ready for mass market.

Search Index

Synaptron node’s trains Wilson. It’s architecture is finely tuned to facilitate rapid information exchange, enabling AI models to learn, adapt, and generate responses with remarkable agility.

Search Engine & Ecosystem

Power Search – Enhanced search tool to provide users with enhanced accuracy and precision of results.

Image Search – Search images through AI generated semantic meta tagging.

Video Search – Search video through AI generated semantic meta tagging.

Local Search – Search for regional and local results.

Product Search – Search for products with addition of filters for crypto payable merchants.

AI based translation services.

Dashboards are a key tool to use as the launchpad for both private and public facing content and services. They will play an instrumental role in helping users and businesses organize their information and services, while also providing business through templates, a gateway to their to products and services.

Expanding dashboard functionality to include the following features: Partner Widgets, Financial Portal, Tabbed Pages, Bookmarking, Functional Templates, Game Portal, Custom Sub-URLs

As our lists of partners grow, a key area of focus will be to provide users with direct access to an ever growing list of content types from a growing list of sources.

These will include: videos, wikis, news, music, social media, weather, etc.

Through partnerships which are actively being discussed, the intention is to provide users with access to travel services which as: Travel booking, short term rentals, ride sharing, and maps.

Through partnerships which are actively being discussed, the intention is to provide users with access to office applications such as: File storage, Instant Messaging, Voice and Video Calling.

Marketing & Advertising

Currently in development the team is building an advertising platform that will leverage partnerships to build out an extensive ad network with novel and compelling features which will entice advertisers through substantially higher conversion rates.

Additionally, the advertising network will provide content providers in the crypto space a way to monetize their content in cases where other major platforms have decided to not participate in the industry.

Through partnerships, Timpi will offer a set of tools and services that will provide Web3 enhanced marketing automation solutions to help businesses maximize the ROI from their marketing investments.

Financial Portal

Accessible through the dashboards, the financial hub provides users with a single place from which to manage all their financial and crypto related activities. With a simplified user experience, integrations with our DeFi partners from the major blockchains will allow user will be able to buy, sell, swap, bridge, stake, Fiat On/Off Ramp, etc. for their dashboards.

Security Portal

The security and privacy hub is being developed to help users understand their current security and privacy posture and how to align with best practices in order to protect themselves from threats.

The information and services provided with be a combination of both internal and external products and services such as: security and privacy assessment tool, DVPNs, URL Scanner, Fraud Alerts, Browser Threat Monitoring Extension

Neutaro Blockchain & Ecosystem

The team will be working with some partners to launch a DEX directly on the Neutaro blockchain to facilitate swaps.

Payment and Transactions

The payment gateway will be used to facilitate payments in both crypto and fiat while settling the transactions in the crypto or fiat of choice. The payment gateway will enable the on and off ramping of fiat and collect transaction fees.

Over the longer term, the payment gateway will enable people and business to sell products and services directly from within any page within the ecosystem.


The Timpi market place is a place where digital goods can be purchased and sold. The first of these good will be NFTs created by Timpi or our community.

Content Monetization Platform

Timpi has build a content monetization platform that will be geared towards allowing content to be monetized by creators and publishers, while allowing users to gain token gated access to the content that they desire. This will allow content creators to return to a world where they are properly compensated for quality work while freeing users from forced content bundling.

The entire platform begins with the automation of the creation of access and ownership NFTs, along with token gated login plugins for major CMS systems. The team will be working with content partners in both the Web 2.0 and Web3 space.

Phase 3

In stage 3, our primary objective is to transition the product into the mass market, leveraging comprehensive marketing strategies and distribution channels to maximize reach and adoption

Search Index

Data Value upscaling represents an evolutionary shift in the approach to search indexing that will utilize AI to achieve drastic improvements in the quality and accuracy of search results. The precision by which the search engine will be able to query the index will allow for hyper precise and perfectly tailored results. This will process will also significantly improve information and data accessibility across the globe and help serve under served communities and countries.

Search Engine & Ecosystem

Search queries will be enriched by the integration and enrichment of results from many 3rd party sources and partners.

The funcitonaliy of user dashboards will be siginicantly expanded with the intention of allowing full websites and businesses to be build on top of Timpi’s DePIN powered infrastructure. The result will be a plethora of new content created and hosted on the Timpi platform which will allow creators and businesses to leverage Timpi’s unique and novel services.

The beginning of this process will be marked with the release of an internal GUI based CMS with features such as an E-commerce shopping cart, video portal, blog, etc.

This phase will see the expansion of office apps with the inclusion of partner built and operated applications such as Email, Docs, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Etc.

Marketing & Advertising

Applet ADs (Unique), Loyalty Platform

Web3 Marketing Platform

Financial Portal

Expanding on the Financial Hub, additional service will be added to the hub to allow for an expanded level of DeFi services such as: Banking, Lending/Borrowing, Farming, Liquidity Staking, Etc


The market products will be expanded to include token gated content subscriptions.

Content Monetization Platform

Content Portal Creator, Content Lake

Commerce Hub

Payment Gateways, Payment Integration, NFT Txn Records

Phase 4

As part of our expansion strategy, we aim to democratize access to trustworthy data for everyone, ensuring transparency and reliability in information dissemination

Search Index

The beginning of the creation of our data products, the data value upscaling of our index will provide hyper precise data streams for use by customers of all industries including AI training models.

Search Engine & Ecosystem

Addition of AI tools to the office suite to help users drastically increase productivity.

Marketing & Advertising

Introducing the use of AI to advertising to allow for the optimization and automation of Advertising campaigns.

Introduce a marketing automation platform through partnership that will help customer automate all aspects of their marketing with a heavy emphasis on the development of Web3 marketing functionality.


Expanding apps and extension to the market place in order to expand the functionality of the Timpi search through 3rd party apps and extension.

Commerce Hub

The creation of Transaction NFTs as an invoice and transaction

Web3 Platform

Release of our Web3 developers platform will allow developers and business to take advantage of a low-code/no-code, workflow automation and integration platform to rapidly develop and deploy dApps and other Web3 projects

AI Hub

The AI Hub is the intersection at which our synaptron network, data streams, AI models, and the rest of the platform come together. More details will be shared once the synaptron network has launched.

Phase 5

Our mission is to grant the world complete data freedom, empowering individuals and organizations with unrestricted access to information while upholding privacy and security standards


The final step in the creation of an autonomous marketing platform leveraging AI to understand the goal while utilizing Timpi and Partner technologies to execute.


Addition of Data and AI products to the market place

Commerce Hub

Additional of shopping cart functionality to the dashboard based CMS and allowing user to negotiate the exchange of personal information with merchants in exchange for a return in value.

AI Hub

Addition of commercialization and automation functionality in order to monetize AI models and map business processes to specific purpose build AI models and workers.

Data Mesh

The creation of the data mesh which provides a whole suite of data products which can be purchased and consumed. This will feature the ability to scope, consolidate, blend and tranform data into customized and purpose build datasets. The addition of locally hosted private nodes will allow customer to create customized private datasets without having to be concerned with data residency, sovereignty or localization.