By: Gareth Evans, COO and co-founder, Timpi
Timpi has progressed significantly over the last few months and we have a much bigger opportunity in front of us than we had ever thought possible. This reality is thanks to our beautiful community of supporters, our awesome team that works relentlessly every day and our amazing partnerships.
We recognize that the IDO schedule is taking longer than we had planned (note however that our development is still ahead of schedule). Also, now that we are moving to layer 1 then the time taken to fully build that out will also be longer than just relying on a third-party network. As a result, we feel it’s also important to increase the duration of the unlock periods for the token distribution. In particular for the team tokens, where we have doubled the unlock period. Here’s what it will look like:
- Marketing — released over 18 months
- Team — released over 24 months
- Operations — Released over 12 months
- Partnerships — Released over 6 months
- OTC Sales — Released over 12 months
Please note that all other vesting and lock periods not mentioned here, are the same as before. Please see our updated whitepaper for full details.
I would like to thank all of you for your support and dedication. We wouldn’t be in such a positive position as we head towards layer 1 if it wasn’t for each and every one of you.
-Gareth Evans, COO & co-founder, Timpi